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Awaken to Running On Reiki Light!

Distance Healing Energy sessions, Reiki Oracle Card Intuitive Readings, SoulSpeak Sessions & Healing Energy Art!


  Welcome, my name is Sherry.  I am an Usui Reiki Master, spiritual path catalyst, energy worker, medium, channel, psychic intuitive, art healer. If you found you're way here, our energies are merging & we may be meant to work together!


Read through the webpage here & then *Email to BOOK a Reiki reading & or session or ask a question:


I have a BA degree in Psychology and graduate work in Counseling. I have worked as a Counselor and Case manager with adults and children, in the mental health fields for over 10 years.


 Locally, I create & lead Goddess Rising & Art Circles in my community. 


I have also been through an amazing Spiritual Kundalini Shamballa Divine Feminine Goddess Awakening in the last ten years. I have written 2 channeled books for women’s awakening to self-love & divine purpose & created a Call Her In Divine Feminine oracle deck. I also create Healing energy art just for your energy. You as Goddess Self Love Portraits, Your Spirit Guide, Your Angels, You and Natures Medicine art, Chakra art, Tree of Life art, Past Life art & more, with channeled messages:


​This may seem like a lot, but let me assure you, my journey, as all of ours, has been riddled with loss, pain, betrayal, confusion, grief, searching & rising. I am no different then you. Years ago, I was a woman who was quite insecure, scared, lost, & making choices & allowing relationships that were not for my highest good, not clear on how to change. I wanted to forge paths that I knew were my destiny! When I finally looked my fears in the eye with compassion, listened to them, called in the deep self-love I was lacking & the help of my beautiful angels, guides, the Ascended masters, The Goddess Mother, Mother Nature & esp. my Higher Self, along with REIKI, my life changed steadily & surely & profoundly!  I now hope to share what Ive learned with you. We ALL have the ability to Heal  & call in the life we truly want to live. I found my Light Within & I genuinely hope to help you recall yours! In fact, it is my soul work on Earth to do so.


My path is to teach you that YOU are your greatest teacher & healer & you have the LIGHT & deep knowingness to create the life of your dreams.


I take minimal sessions a week, this is not a business to me as much as a service to humanity. I reserve high energy for myself & you for the clearest channelings.


You can read some client reviews/experiences at the very bottom of the page (names left off for confidentiality reasons)


Im On :



Come listen to my podcast: RUNNING ON REIKI,

with channeled spirit messages, gift reiki healings, and guided meditations. on spotify and google podcasts.


on Running on reiki instagram, and tiktok

I post GIFT spiritual inspirational VIDEOS & guided meditations, distance reiki sessions for the collective, nature wisdoms, my Goddess art & these are good places to see my vibrational esssence in action and get to know & trust me.

​​HERE are the options available for your personal REIKI LIGHT ENERGY HEALING session: Read more below to learn how Reiki can assist you on your soul journey.



A Distance Reiki Light Energy session is for aligning your chakras, clearing them of blocked energy, opening your whole mind body soul emotions aura to a understanding of your path. Infusing you with a sense of peace, & tranquility, clarify past life karma,reduce stress,decrease physical pain, hearing from loved ones, cutting energy cords to people/situations,soul retrievals, rid you of entity attachments,  improve focus/clarity, boosting your vitality & personal power & your sense of connection to what is Spirit for you! NOTE: Not all of these happen each session. Spirit will send the reiki & give guidance where its MOST needed 1st. You will walk away refreshed, clearer, with hope & focus, releasing & ready to do the further soulwork, as messages come through for HOW you can do that! 


I also always have a shamanic vision on my end ,where I see/hear/feel your spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, the Goddesses, your Higher self,take you to a natural holy healing site. So you will have this info to mediate on & understand the healing you are feeling on your end.





REIKI: One hour: $75.00 w/ a DETAILED follow up written intuitive message of any guidance I am given to share with you & explanation of vision I saw for you. 



ORACLE CARD READING: IF you have SPECIFIC lifepath questions, you will need to add an oracle reading to your reiki session. These are $50.00.  I pull as many cards as the guides suggest. You can ask 3 seperate questions or 3 aspects of one question for this reading for that fee. I send you a pic of your cards & DETAILED paragraphs message from the guides/angels. {If you have more q's, send me you list and Ill quote you a fee for the reading based on your needs}


Add to any of your sessions: 


SoulSpeak follow-up/prior phone conversations ,or back and forth private messages. This is for those of you that want to talk to me personally & discuss your healing session & intuitive info that comes through on my or your end.  $30/ 30 mins.or $60/ 60 minutes. (this is not a reading, its a before or after counseling type discussion of your journey)


NOTE: The BUY NOW Paypal tab on the VERY bottom of this page, will take you right to my Paypal page for payment.  My paypal email to PAY to is:


I also accept cash app and venmo. email me at to learn more.


Put the amount you are sending in. And attach a note with what services you desire, & how I can contact you prior to the session.




I do advise you email me 1st, before paying, or pm me on fcbk or instagram, so we can discuss your situation & needs & be sure you are choosing the right session package for you at this time.​





If you send me your questions/life situations you need spiritual guidance on I can recommend a perfect card spread for you intuitive reading.


You do not have to be available at the same time I am doing your oracle cards reading. I am using the reiki energy to ask the spirit guides for the highest, purest, clearest guidance for your particular questions at this time. I do need a photo of you & your full true name to connect to your energy.


Form your question open ended. ( Not a yes/ no question) I do not do definitive predictions, as you & others in your life have free will & your life path can change at any time based on your unconscious soul contracts you made prior to coming to Earth. I channel HIGHER WISDOMS. 


The goal is to get the clearest, purest, highest guidance for your question in this now moment. What can you do to see, hear, intuit, believe, shift with more true power! My readings get you to your TRUTH. They explain why you are experiencing something & why you chose it to learn from. This makes it so much easier for you to decide to keep it, or move on from it.


Trust me, you will like this type of reading better as it opens you to seeing your life to date with loving compassion & eye opening clarity. My readings are about awakenings & expansion. WE only transform when we understand the energy behind our choices. 


I am never shown anything "bad" that is going to happen to you. The focus is on positive empowerment & self love growth!


I do not tell you how to phrase your questions or how much background detail to give me. I have had people send me VERY vague questions (Why am I in this current repetitive cycle, and how do I end it?) to sending me the history of a situation, or past life information they know.  Present the way you desire. What comes through will come as it is supposed to. Either way I am not going to get a read on your whole entire soul path, they will give me what you need to hear in this NOW moment to grow. You can never work on all areas of your life at once.


I have many decks of oracle cards. I intuitively chose, am led to which decks to use for your reading. I also use lots of Reiki vibrating crystals that are so fantastic in clearing, focusing, transforming & healing energy.


I will send you a photo of the whole spread. Each card. And the reading that came from it. I can send this in email, pm on Facebook messenger or instagram, or as a text, or mail it. You will be in awe at what comes through! Usually each card yields in- depth paragraphs of guidance.


I dont use the card booklet to read. I am flooded w/ info for you as soon as I flip the cards. If you would like the booklet writings, I can send you a picture of them, let me know.


The oracle cards & spirit guides give Loving Mentorship. Remember it is you who chose your path going forward. 


I will message back & forth w/you a bit after, as comparing notes yields confirmations, synchronicities & WOW Spirit was with us moments! If you desire a phone Soulspeak for addl. listening ear, voice to voice, you can book that as needed. (30 mins. $30./60 mins. $60.) Some people like this personal touch.


Here are some examples of questions you could ask: but I'm sure you know your main questions & I can help you break it down to its parts to get the best reading.


1 Past-Present-Future {what did my past teach me about this situation, what should be my present focus, what is the future possibilities}


2. A card for certain aspects of your life: life purpose, parents, friends, marriage, lover, siblings, career, health, money, dream meaning, fertility, past lives, family of birth, ancestral karma, self image, divine self , creativity, sex life, sleep, spirit team. We can break each question down into smaller focused parts as well. 


3. Your part. Others Part. What is the wisdom, soul contract connection?


4. What are my unseen strengths & weaknesses?


5.  How to work w/past life or soul contract that is affecting this situation?


6. What is the best way for me to release, clear, evolve, heal , move forward from a stuck pattern? Wisdom I'm to learn?


7. What inner & outer obstacles, thoughts, emotions are affecting this ? 


8. How is my ego/self esteem status affecting this ? What is my higher self path? How do I bridge them?


9. Relationships: How do our energies merge? Our intentions? Past life effects? Are we a sexual, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, sacred match? Our strengths/weaknesses? How should we proceed? Our future path/probable outcome?


10. Health. Cause: Energy blockage? Soul contract? Past life block? Lessons? Is it here to stay for a reason?


11.Any lower energies/chords/contracts attached to & draining me?


12. What is one of my life purposes & themes & how am I meant to live it out?


13. What do my guides, angels, want me to know in this now moment?


14. Give me tangible ways to effect change in my life, how do I start?



What is REIKI Energy Healing & How can it assist you in your Healing process?


Reiki is the purest Love & Light energy, a gift from the HIgher Dimemsional Light beings, embedded w/empowering light codes. The wisest counsel for humans because it has no ego, just pure giving caring Love!


Reiki is an ancient sacred healing modality that has no religious orientation. IT IS FOR EVERYONE!  It is a calling in of Source Divine healing energy that is called in by both the recipient and the sender to AWAKEN your true path.  Reiki can do no harm. It enhances & soothes any other treatments, including medical.


Reiki is thought to go back to the Buddha (620BC) & was also a facet of Jesus’s healing hands method (7BCE Jesus Born) & revitalized in the 1800’s by Mikao Usui, a Christian minister & professor who went on a 21 day mountain top quest in search of revitalizing the healing method he had read about. He was given a Reiki attunement & began passing the gift down through the ages. 


Reiki practitioners go through a certification, spiritual ceremony & training process to become Reiki Energy Healers over yrs.


Reiki can be given to adults, children, animals, objects, rooms, life situations, past & future situations in your life too!


Reiki helps to balance your chakras & your overall Chi, or Life Force Energy.  It sends healing to all mind/body/emotional/ soul /aura levels.


The energy is self-directing and knows where to go for the receiver. Healing can be subtle & occur in layers. It can be symptom reducing & calming, & destressing.  It can be Life Changing (beginning the release of long held behavior patterns, addictions, physical diseases, emotional blockages, past or parallel life karma, mental patterns, etc)


The Reiki practitioner uses a set of visualized sacred, respected symbols that amplify the power of the healing. These symbols sent to the recipient cleanse, purify, release, amplify source energy, heal, protect, help to release toxic buildup of people or situations, reduce anxiety and stress, depression, and release long standing mental thought patterns, obsessions, habits, addictions, aid in memory recall, and positive feelings and vibrations, send healing to past life and current life traumas, aid in blessing a future event, and to hone in on the area of the body that needs the most healing.


Sometimes Reiki will leave the person feeling that day, or days or weeks later, as if something has shifted in them, a magical opening to greater abundance and truth for their life. One session can be the catalyst to freedoms you won’t realize until down the road. Healing may come in an area you didn't expect, but healing in one area, always begins healing in others.


Reiki makes you clearer, fresher,wiser, connected, intuitive, open hearted, focused & directed. Yet, you have to be READY & Desire and DESERVE change for yourself. 


Sometimes an emotional release comes first from a desire to heal something physical. Sometimes a thought pattern changes for something you have been emotional over. Sometimes a disease or body symptom goes away because you have seen the light on a soul level.


Reiki aims to provide balance, serenity, peace in the entire energy system (mind/body, emotions/soul/aura) of the person and a balancing of the chakras. It opens the door for you to see & feel clearer so you can begin the work of your lifepath with vigor!



What are the seven chakras and why is balancing them so important?


The 7 main chakras are energy centers along the spine of our body from the tailbone to the crown of your head. You can visualize them as wheels of light, or flowers opening & closing. They are part of your light body. They store your energy & all the information of your soul journey. They process energy for you. Feeling out of balance in thoughts, emotions, health, spirituality, relationships, drive, gifts, creativity, abundance, expression, all originates from your chakras.


There is much reading online about them; here is a simple explanation below. Chakras can be overactive, inactive, or balanced. Overactive and underactive chakras cause issues for us. We are aiming for balance.


So let’s take money for example. If your root Chakra is overactive, you may be a big spender, have no budgeting skills & have debt. If it is underactive, you may never have money because you don’t believe you deserve it, or are afraid to try new things that will increase your abundance flow, like start a business or invest your money.


Root/Color is Red: Base of spine to feet. Our connection to Mother Earth, our body, our human life, basic survival, fears,  feeling of safety, eating patterns, shelter, health, past lives karma, jobs, current childhood and family, money patterns


Sacral/Orange:  Your gender identity, creative powers play/pleasure, 5 senses, womb ,emotions for women, sensuality, sex life, how you feel about yourself as a man or woman, and your fertility.  Your relationships with others. Located at the reproductive area.


Solar Plexus/Yellow: Abdomen, above belly button. Ego,Seat of your personal power, will, drive,  empowerment, manifestation abilities, vitality for life, self esteem. Your relationship to yourself, how you life your dreams, Gut instincts/intuitions. Integrity. 


Heart/Green/pink: heart, lungs, hands, shoulders. Compassion, empathy, sensitivity, gratitude, forgiveness, giving & receiving, love center, acceptance, allowance of all. 


Throat/Blue:  Center of Throat, ears, nose.  Communication with self and others, expression, listening skills, expression of your feelings and individual voice in this world. Body language, oral, and written expression. Highest Trust. Truth. Choices. Authenticity.


Brow/Third Eye/Indigo:  Center of forehead, between your actual  eyes. Your intuition, imagination, your purpose/themes in this life, your connection to angels, spirit guides, source energy, God Goddess, loved ones passed over.  Your inner wisdom, use of your intuition. Your psychic abilities! Sleep, imagination, thoughts.


Crown/Gold or White light: Top of the head. A 1000 petal flower opening to the sky. You connection to what is Spiritual path for you. Oneness of all life. Divinity. Out of body. Eternity. Trust in Reincarnation Cycle. Ecstatic Bliss. Free Will. Destiny. Harmony. Unity. Light self. 



What is Distance Reiki and how can that work if the recipient is not in the same room as the Giver (Healer)?


Reiki is Divine light infused energy. It is God Energy. This energy supersedes material blocks, and time and space. It is eternal love. Personally I like to give distance reiki best. I can feel the energy of the person just as well. Both parties are in comfy clothing & positioning, listening to their own music, and within the comfort of their home, vs a reiki table and office setting.  Reiki energy does flow through the hands, but it can also be given with the breath & the mind’s eye telepathically


I also ask that you send me your INTENTIONS for healing. Where do you need healing in your life right now.? What is going on in your life? Be as detailed as you like, so I know how to ask the energy to assist you best. All information you give me is kept private. If you don’t want to give information, you can just set the intention for yourself, the healing will go exactly where it needs to.


What kind of information could possibly come from my Distance Reiki session and how will the Sender/Healer provide me with that?


Reiki opened a Shamanic past life of mine as a Healer. I see Healing visions of you in Beautiful settings. The angels, spirit & reiki guides take us to another dimension that is just for YOU. Ive seen temples in the sky, water rituals, Native american ceremonies, Priestess circles, crystal beds, sacred sites, spirit animal help, holy symbols, light language, fire purification, sound healings. Each vision is distinct & awe inspiring.


I may see a past life that you carry that is affecting current life karma. 


Loved ones love to pop in with messages unannounced at times. If you desire to connect with someone, we can theme a whole Reiki session around that too.


I may see an area of your body/health/chakras that needs more attention & care.


I may see your life purpose & the themes in how you have lived that out, higher & lower, as we do learn so much from our supposed mistakes if we pay attention.


I get images, metaphors, dialogue, messages to pass on to you from the Light Team that comes in for you.


AFTER the session ( we do not talk, text during as to enhance focus & relaxation) I take about 20 mins . & type up all I felt, heard, saw & send that to you. You can do the same, & we can compare the synchronicities & Ah-ha moments to go deeper. Often our experiences coincide miraculously!


I enjoy a back & forth after, being there for your comfort, understanding, processing of the wisdom. Its important to me that you know YOU are the most vital part of the healing process. You can also have visions, messages come to you. YOU are your highest healer. I am a conduit to open that doorway. You are THE key part of your continued healing as you will do the soulwork & must dedicate to follow what Reiki opens for you.




REMEMBER, If you would like a phone or more extended email /discussion after you read your report, you can book a SOULSPEAK  session to have that one on one with me. 


Once you purchase your Reiki session or follow up, I will send you a convo to discuss when we will have the session.  I believe the best benefit comes from both parties being relaxed, quiet, alone, FOCUSED. I won’t be sending you Reiki while I do laundry! Lol. I’d rather you not be as well. Our intentions , focus and attention matter in the information and healing we receive.


What does the word HEALING mean in regards to Reiki?


The way Reiki heals is to open you to the path of releasing what does not serve you, & calling in your particular healing. Meaning it is a cosmic catalyst. It starts the fire. It makes space. Can spontaneous healing happen after ONE session? It can. All is possible. But more than likely, there is soul work for you to do to get there & maybe a few more sessions. You will know what is right for you. The baggage/shadows/wounds we carry didn't happen in a moment. Healing also has a process. You are carrying much past life & current energy, & this life karma is all stored in your magnificent energy system of mind, body, soul, emotions, aura. Reiki will SHIFT something in those areas, so that you have an aha! feeling, and more clarity to move in the direction of who you know you really are. Its like flinging the door open to the light.



What does the recipient have to do during the healing session?


Be open to the healing. Say to yourself as we start. “I am open to the healing energy of Reiki, I am ready to heal my life towards its highest well-being and my authentic gifts to offer this world, I also release ALL energy that is not for my highest good at this time”.


Set an intention. Wear comfy clothes. Sit or lay quietly & undisturbed. Light a candle, call in the light. Hold crystals. Ask your spirit guides, angels, Source energy to be with you.  Pay attention to what comes up, but try not to analyze it right yet. You may see colors, light, smoke, visuals, hear messages, smell things, feel emotions arise, feel twitching, heat, cold, lightness, floaty sensations in the body. It’s different for everyone. Some people fall asleep. That is perfectly fine. Some are super relaxed & calm. Let come what comes, and just notice it like a movie you are watching.  Trust it.  Some people say they feel "rooting around" as if the energy is moving those old wounds out. Some shed a few tears. Some are in a state of suspended bliss. All have told me that at the end, if not during, a feeling of peaceful beauty & unconditional love comes in, often lasting for several days. 



How does the recipient set her intentions for healing before and after the session?


Think about what your intention for healing is. It can be anything. Calling in abundance. Grieving a loved one. Sparking creativity.  Releasing an old lover. Improving  intimate relationships .Reducing your work anxiety. Focusing on your loving your body more.. Energizing your overall system. Releasing childhood abuse. Releasing old vows, contracts that are haunting you. Understanding an addiction.  Reducing symptoms of a disease you have. Amplifying connection to your Divine Creator.  How do you need to heal on the mind, body, emotional, soul level?


Try to focus on 1 -2  areas for the healing. Healing takes time & focus. Once you have healed one area, you will see others automatically start to heal as well. 


After, do some journaling about what came up for you. How you felt during the session.  Write some positive affirmations to recite daily in the areas you want to heal.  These help to shift your old thought patterns & begin new ones. Drink some water. As you have just detoxified & released from your system.  Rest, or go for a nature walk , bathe, sleep or nap.


Be sure to mediate  afterwards & with conviction say: I call on the Angels of Karma, to release ALL old wounds, vows, emotions, contracts, thoughts, disease from ALL my past lives, & this life, across time, space, & all dimensions & forms  I have resided in, so that I may now walk my truest highest spiritual self.



This is a great book for after work, I did this myself:  21 Day Consciousness Cleanse, Debbie Ford.For 21 days you do extensive journaling work to release and heal all areas of your life. Its fantastic!!!


I can also recommend other books for you, And I do believe my books, Call Her In, and Crowned Becoming the Woman of My Dreams, The Missing Things Were Goddess Wings, Poem, prayers and Love Letters by Sherry Sharp will also guide your healing.  Both books are in my etsy shop :

 and on



What else do I need to know before I book a reiki session?


This is a lot of info, but if you have a personal question about reiki ,message me! I want you to feel safe, ready & sure its for you at this time. I only have GOOD THINGS to say about reiki, as Ive seen the MOMENTUM MOMENTS it sparks for people! If you decide not to book, no worries, Its part of my soul plan to educate people on the benefits of Reiki!


 Email me to Book:

or message me on instagram or fcbook. (links at top of this page).


Love and Light




Distance Reiki consent form: By booking/partaking in a session, I as the receiver agree to these terms below.  I am 18 yrs old, or session is booked by a parent giving permission. I have received a written description on this webpage of a typical Reiki session. If I feel uncomfortable at any time, I can on my end choose to stop the session by saying to myself, I no longer accept this Reiki healing being sent, and it will naturally cease as per my free will request. I understand that Reiki is part of a holistic system, & does not take the place of needed medical, psychological, psychiatric modalities, any therapies, treatments, surgeries, procedures or other holistic means that can be chosen to heal.  I understand that Reiki does not diagnose, prescribe, or perform medical treatment and does not interfere, but enhances any medical or other treatments I partake in. I understand the body has the ability to heal itself, or to stay in a state of imbalance as per my free will & spiritual contracts prior to Earth incarnation.  I will not hold the Reiki practitioner responsible or liable for any reason.  I do not hold the Reiki practitioner responsible for any actions or decisions I choose/make/do, during or after my reiki session(s).  Reiki energy healing is not a definite one time cure for emotional/mental/body/soul imbalances. The Reiki energy goes where your energy system needs healing most.   Reiki is a no harm healing session. It will provide relaxation and stress relief and an opening to the recipient’s own soul work toward highest healing.  I understand that any information that is given by my Reiki Practitioner’s Reiki Spirit Guides (past life, suggested healing, psychic intuitions, etc, is my own choice how to interpret and utilize for my overall healing.) I am solely responsible for my ongoing healing in all areas of my life




We had to interview Sherry because as we explored her art and writing work, it showed us quite a bit about who she is, but we wanted, needed to know more. This Creative, Artist, Dreamer, and Manifestor is so much more than even all of our words can express, but thankfully, Sherry does a helluva job expressing herself, about her Self. The more we got to know her, we wanted to share her thoughts, opinions, ideas, and wisdom, with all of you.

So here she is, Goddess, Stevie Nicks lover, Creatrix, author, poet, and family woman & Moon Poetess.

1. Sherry, if you could use one word, just for today, that speaks of who you are when no one is watching, what would it be? Resilient.

2. For us and our readers, do you have a label for your artwork and other forms of expression? How would you explain your art style for someone who has never seen your work?

I’ve come to see that my work is Intuitive. I serve the Goddess with my artwork and my books for women. I see myself as a Healer, an Art Healer. Though I may have visions of what I want to create, She will always come through and put her spin on it. My books were never meant to be books, in my mind. I was in a grieving part of my life, over bad choices I had made, that did not reflect any self-love or self-respect on my part, and I was hurting over choices others made that I didn’t understand. I was grieving over the loss of my dear uncle who died of a drug overdose. I sat at his bedside, while he was taken off life support. I have also lost both of my brothers young. I’m no stranger to loss. One day, I came across a page on Facebook that spoke of the Divine Feminine and it intrigued me. What did that mean? I was raised Catholic and though never felt that I resonated with the message of the church, I did whole heartedly believe in God, a Great Creator, that I knew loved me, and I felt there was something missing in the church’s reiteration of Jesus’s message. I felt Jesus was really telling us that we are Creators. That was the primary message. “These things I have done, you shall do , and greater” (to paraphrase) I just didn’t know what the truth of that looked like in my mind’s eye for me. I was so lost, but I wanted to be found. So when I discovered that I could choose to feel my Higher Power as a feminine entity, I was enthralled. I dove right in. I read so many books, and started talking to other women that could help me expand this idea. But I also spoke to HER. There was something inside me that was not intimidated by that idea at all. The time was right. I was ripe and ready and it was do or die time. I knew I had to ask. I had to believe I had a communion that was on equal playing ground. That I was seen as good and deserving. I titled my second book, CALL HER IN, because that is what I did, and I understood the Power of that. She came right in. She also said, I’ll be your lap, but I will also be your whip. She held me, and she prodded me both. I’ve had many spiritual experiences; too many to name here, but let me say, I heard her voice. I felt Her in my body. We merged. It was not a worship service with the Goddess on a pedestal; it was me and Her doing the work each day. Hard, soul work, in the cave of me. Really searching the whys of me and how I have acted and reacted all my life. I saw myself like I never did. I understood how little I loved myself all my life. I began to focus on a deep self- love process.

3.Who were you as a little girl? Did you always know that you were an artist and writer or did this gift develop later on in life?


I have always loved art and poetry and spirituality. I love the freedom of all of them. The healing power. I did draw since I was young, ten. I wrote poetry in my teens. I was always an old poet soul. I was that teen that read books on reincarnation and tried to engage all my friends in deep conversations on life. I was an art major in high school. But, I also loved people, and human behavior, so I got a degree in Psychology. I so see now, that every path, led me to my current path. That path is to empower women and remind them of their beauty and light. I love the intersection of the divine and the human, and the immense calling we are all on. I always knew I was an artist and a writer. I just didn’t have a specific focus until The Goddess opened me up. I now have an etsy shop, . This is where all my Gypsy Goddess art, décor, and jewelry, altar art and candles, and my books are for purchase. When someone orders a book from my etsy shop (it is on amazon too) I mail them out verses amazon. I like this better, here’s why… I can add a healing personal message to the recipient. I’ve come to understand that as I sit with the book, the Goddess will lead me to meditate on the person, and if I open the book to a guided page (kinda like Tarot readings) that page in the book will tell me what the recipient needs to hear at that time. I then just know what to write to them as a healing divination. I put the pen to the inner book cover, and the Goddess writes for me, what they need to hear. It’s so beautiful, it gives me shivers.

4. Call Her In, is one of your beautiful books. What made you want to write that book? Did it just flow organically or was there a very specific intention for this book.

At one point, She asked me to start an online woman’s empowerment page. I said, what do I put on it? She said just start it, you will know. Start with putting some of your poems. So I did, feeling really weird. Who was I to create this, what would I say on it. What started to happen was this flow of answers and words from Her. It wasn’t like I asked her questions specifically, each day something would prompt me. An image. Something I read. I would just know to write about it. I wrote and wrote and wrote, and posted it for other women. I was healing myself, but the sharing, was in turn helping other women . That is how it works at its best. I never really looked back. The writing was coming too fast. I was completely focused on Her and Her opening in my life, and I feel that this proves that what we focus on we create, we welcome in . One day, She said, and now you have a book my child. I was like oh no! haha. When I looked back at the immense amount of writing I had done in a couple years, enough for two books, I saw what Her plan was all along. I also often looked at it and thought, who wrote this. I wrote this? Because honestly, I’m human and still learning each day what a struggle that can be. I wasn’t always applying what I was writing, you see. But The Goddess gives us sacred space to allow that too. Each day is a birthday toward what gains we make. Anyway, I realized the material was channeled through me. All art is, though, so I don’t say that in a spiritually la-tee da voice, like I’m so above it all. I’m a student. A perennial beginner. A devout believer. But let me say, that I trust. I have deep, deep , wells deep trust in my Source Energy. And, I took the promise, a be a priestess, who serves Her toward rising up in any other woman I can find to do that for.

5. You say that art has been your saving grace. Those are your words. Could you say more about that?

Art allows me to express, heal, clarify, purge, beautify, communicate, remind, remember and heal. We are creative beings, and when we shut that down, we start to die.

One of the things that I am most proud of is the volunteer service I do each week for the last three years at a local woman’s shelter for homeless, abused, and ex addict women. I created, with the help of Goddess, an art/poetry circle there. Each week I ask Her for ideas, and I wake up with them. When my uncle was missing, and our family couldn’t reach him, our drug intervention we provided for him failed, and then he went missing for years. I was distraught and more scared then I have ever been in my whole life. I knew he could die. One late night, I was outside praying, and at that time, drinking a lot almost every night, to escape my nighttime fears. Because at night, the fear reached epic proportions. Everyone was in bed. I was up and paralyzed. I was outside one night and a black cat came out of nowhere, and jumped up on this half wall in my yard, where I was sitting, very intoxicated, and holding a photo of him, weeping what felt like blood tears. I didn’t want to believe it, but I knew that night that we were going to eventually lose him. So , I said, Goddess, I’m destroying myself and my life over this. What do I do? I will do what you say. I wanted to help someone that wanted help, that wanted to live. If I couldn’t help him, I would help someone. What eventually happened was a little dragonfly came to me one day on my porch. On a better day, when I was ready. It sat by me on my swing, for the longest time, and I knew it had something it wanted to tell me. I don’t mean to sound loony, but I asked it, what did you come to say. I heard a voice, deep inside me, say, go to the woman’s shelter. I said, no, what would I do there. I was terrified. I thought these are women with serious life crisis, why would they care about poems and art. But the dragonfly, said, “You were born to do this”. I got up, I went in the house, I called a local shelter, they said, yes we need someone just like you! It has been a pure gift. I will go the rest of my life, in my precious uncle’s memory, and for my love of art and poetry and my deep belief that women are the most powerful vessel on this earth, when we own our power and share our gifts. And the women love it. They are so open and vulnerable and communicative, because they want to see the magic of life again. They want to be creative Creatoresses.

6. For our readers as well as for us=- what exactly do you mean when you say you have a “Gypsy Soul”?

My grandmother used to say that gypsies were bad. She would yell at us, stop acting like a gypsy if we were misbehaving. Haha. I always knew gypsies and witches were sacred. I felt it. I knew it meant some kind of freedom for me. But, as I delved into the Divine Feminine movement and words, I understood it finally. I am my savior. I am the number one source in my life. All else that I can give flows from my freedom to understand that I chose to be the wise women, the wild expressive woman, the intuition I need, the teacher for myself, the self-healer, the connector to my angels, my guides, my passed over loved ones, my God/dess energy. To be a Gypsy is to have the freedom to choose how I see life, to choose to see the beauty and magic that is always there, and clearly more powerful than fear and any form of fear and hate. Magic is just another word for creating our own reality. I create the magic in my life. I see that no matter what is going on outside of me, my soul, my eternal inside of me, is my guide and my buoy, my Protectress. We are here to gypsy on. We are completely resilient powerful creators. A gypsy keeps moving forward. A gypsy is nomad, not defined by any stage of her life, learning from all of it. A gypsy does not judge life, she lives all of it. I write much more in both of my books about what it means to be a gypsy and a witch and a priestess and a healer. This is our birthright as women. Forgot the connotations. If it feels right to you. It’s right. Explore it. That is what gypsies do, they explore.

7. Do you wake up with new ideas every day? What inspires you?

I do. I have more ideas that I have human time to create. I love that. I used to feel burdened by not having the time. Then I saw how the journeys, the ideas, are also a blessed part of the path. We are so about results and endings in this world. It’s a waste of energy. Let’s just enjoy the day. If I imagine it, it already exists, I feel. It’s a gift that all this energy soars though me. And some days, I have the idea, but my body just wants to lay on the couch and read a book. So I do. I know if it is meant to be a hard core tangible, it will come in due time. It’s more important to me that I talk to one woman a day that I can serve to bring her back to herself somehow. What inspires me? I love nature, nature is the ultimate healer. It is so giving, so open, so renewing, so creative, so vibrant in every season. I aspire to be Nature. I am Nature. For I am part of this great ecosystem of plants, animals, humans, elements, weather. We are all on this planet…Together. We can heal and rebirth each other, if we so chose it. When I’m in nature, I feel the heartbeat of it, the breath, in every little dewdrop, and vein of a leaf. This past year I’ve spent so much time hiking, running trails, walking, praying , kissing trees, (yes I’ve moved on from hugging them, I now kiss them) listening to the wind, watching clouds. I’m engrossed in Nature. I do believe it is part of my healing process and knowing more of Goddess and how she shows up in this world. Much of my poems, prayers, prose, rituals, affirmations, chants, and journal exercises in my books are about Mother Nature, and how She truly is meant to teach and heal us. I am also inspired by other women that are strong and out there doing the work each day to lift women up. SO many ways to heal. What is your way, I say? Service is the answer. People who serve with no agenda, and sometimes no payment even, are the real heroes of this world. Presence with another, and compassion and service, is why we are here.

8. What are you looking forward to in the future? Your work? Relationships? Your creative process? What tickles your soul when you think about the future?

Im being told, by my Goddess voice, that I need to think about leading some retreats for women. It will be Creative Healing retreats with art/poetry/ nature walks and rituals, reiki/ fire circles/ self-love exercises. I’m still formulating this in my soul. I’ll know when it’s right.

I feel a third book coming, that will be more biographical about my journey at the Woman’s Shelter, what those women taught me about life, how they showed me the oneness of life and how we all just want to beloved, seen, heard, and feel we have a worthy contribution. It’s very simple. And we are all the same on a soul level with these goals. This book will include my story as well, my spiritual journey to Goddess realization, and my dialogues with Her, and my dialogues with Nature.


I have my Call Her In oracle deck in my etsy shop & Im creating another deck now!

What tickles my soul is this. Reminding women that they are their own church, their own guru and master, their own healer, their own alchemist for change, their own bible, temple, doctrine. All these tools and messengers over time, rituals, teachers, are here to remind us of that too. We should not get lost in believing anyone or thing outside of us knows more than we do about our awakening. I want women to know that a universe lives in them, & their life story matters. That really exploring their story and sharing it will not only save their life, it will save the life of another woman. I also want to teach women to experience life. We don’t learn by watching or reading, we learn by experiencing. That is exactly what Source Energy is doing through us. Experiencing life as a living concept. It’s all so beautiful.




CLIENT: My distance reiki session with Sherry was one of the most amazing experiences. She zoned in on areas (of my body that I have pain) with healing touch, so that I actually felt she was in the room with me. I felt elevated, very light, tingly, peaceful and things I didn't quite understand, but after speaking to Sherry on the phone after, made total sense. My mom came through to Sherry  during my healing and said things to her that I have never told anybody. I feel a peace in my heart that has not been there in a long time. I cannot recommend this enough. I feel so much more confident in my life now. I could go on and on, Sherry is a very special woman . Thank you Sherry. 


ME: I had a shamanic/angelic vision healing with a receiver who was grieving a miscarriage. I was able to talk with her unborn child, and understand she was energetically "lodged" in her mother's hip, not realizing she was not born to Earth. I was able to call on angels to guide her to the light for a life review of what her soul's journey was for this lifetime. Client reported ease of pain in her hip. Further sessions, a Grandmother Spider came in for both her and I. She felt her in yoga poses, and saw spider webs and dark places within her that needed clearing. During our next Reiki session, The Crone Grandmother came in and I saw a vision of her doing a spectacular healing with my client and her daughter that included amethyst caves, healing oils, ritualistic markings on the Mother's abdomen, purple smoke and fire dancing, and more.


CLIENT: (of above testimonial of mine)


I found Sherry on Etsy as I was looking for goddess/fertility things. I wanted and needed something to remind me of my authentic womanhood after having a missed miscarriage at 13 weeks and ending my dreams of pregnancy within a year of the miscarriage. She created, truly created, ‘me as a goddess.’ Her compassion and grace in creating me, from a photo and from our electronic communication, still gives me chills when I look at it.

A couple of months later I decided, pretty much on a whim, to try a distance reiki session with her. I am an intuitive skeptic. I knew much information would be revealed to Sherry because of the trust I had in her (and myself) as well as Sherry’s compassion and grace. However, I am a natural questioner and so also doubted the process.

I live with grief. I live with trauma. I always will. Prenatal death is heartbreaking. Never birthing a child is heartbreaking. Sherry, as a healer, has helped me to understand that life is bigger than one experience, bigger than one lifetime. Her intuitive message after the sessions soothed me. Sherry helped me know, truly know, that my daughter, Ellis, is happy, sweet, and connected to me. Sherry helped me know that I still mother Ellis, by spiritual mothering. Sherry helped me understand how I can connect with Ellis. Sherry opened my worldview, so I can show gratitude while still living with grief and trauma.

If you have experienced prenatal death, if you grieve, if you have trauma, if you struggle with fertility, consider working with Sherry. Sherry’s magic is helping you find comfort among the unknown, while still accepting the heartache of the experience.


CLIENT: I had a vision of myself as older, maternal, woman, and a soft pink light around  me. Later Sherry told me that she had seen a fetus when reading my sacral chakra. She said she felt it was a girl and a future child. And that she saw a soft pink light also! I was not having the reading to find out about fertility, but this was a nice bonus and I hope it comes true.


CLIENT:  I have always had issues with taking money for my spiritual services and marketing them.  Sherry reported a past life where I was a beggar woman. Her guides told her that I had a hang up about anything that felt like asking or begging for money. As soon as she said that I resonated with the feeling of how that is how I feel as a independent business owner. Now I can work on releasing that wall.


CLIENT: I felt the most peaceful calm I ever felt, and I saw a rainbow spectrum of lights, and then a purple flame or light dancing.


CLIENT: Her guides told her that my special gifts were numerology, and I was in shock, as I've always been fascinated and drawn to numbers, but didn't know why. Now I can research that field and see what it has to teach me for bettering my life.


CLIENT: In my reiki session,  at one point, I saw white light, and someone embraced me briefly shielding me. Then I felt like I was walking through a wall of fire, and I felt heat, and my heartbeat quickened. Later, Sherry told me that  on her end, she saw a past life where I was in medieval times, and caught my gown on fire, I ended up dying from complications of the burns. I was very bitter, and kept saying "I don't deserve this, I've been a good woman" In my current lifetime, I  have a skin disease that is very rare and painful, and have definitely been dealing with why me. During the healing, I could feel the reiki energy swirling around my legs and making them feel like smoothed out porcelain, it was amazing. Sherry explained to  me that past life karma can follow us if we never resolve issues in them.


Me: During a Reiki Oracle card reading a receiver asked for her best friend who is passed over, to come in with a message, since she was missing her so and having a hard time moving on making new friendships. The spirit told me to tell the receiver that’ I come to you in the colors” . When I asked the recipient, she said that her friend loved rainbows, and that they had a special meaning for each color of the rainbow that was personal to them in their friendship! These types of messages assure us that our loved ones are always with us, guiding us, and that it is important to tap into this energy and talk to them and open our hearts to feeling them around us instead of continuing to grieve them with heavy loss /sadness. Grief is a necessary process for us, however a perspective change on seeing  them as eternal  light energy vs. just a body could be just what we need to move through our grieving process with strength, knowingness, and more peace.



Client/after Reiki session : “I have never experienced anything like this, right now I can’t even begin to describe the feeling . I’m so blissed out I could fall right asleep. I can’t believe you said you were guided to put ALL the chakra stones on your/my solar plexus, That is INCREIDBLE because my first sensation was a churning, burning in my lower abdomen!  I saw flashed of white light & sensed a female figure that I called out to come in and comfort and realign me when I was going into my thinking brain. Wow, I can’t thank you enough for sharing your gift! It has been such a vitalizing experience for me”


CLIENT: I set an intention for my healing to stop being at war with myself in life. I tend to sabotage my happiness at times. I saw this lavender and yellow smoke that was being overtaken by black smoke. Sherry had told me to just watch and listen for guidance with anything that came up. I did that, and I heard, "there is nothing to be scared of, its not going to hurt you, it just is". Then I felt a sense of deep peace. She was told by her guides that I have not felt my manifestation powers for a long time, and that I felt tired and bored". This is so accurate. So now I know its time to get to work on what I want my life to be.


ME: A woman told me that she missed her Grandmother before the session, amongst other concerns of feeling spiritually disconnected as of late. At her right hand, I felt the need to ask her Grandmother to come in and be with her, and send her love. After the session, the receiver told me , Oh guess what , when you were touching my right hand, my Grandmother came. I saw her and felt her! I said, that is interesting because I remember asking her to come in when I was at your right hand. She exclaimed: "that was when I saw her! and this ring on my right hand is her ring!" After the session, the woman reported feeling so light and free in a way she hadn't in awhile.


CLIENT: I felt wings sprouting in my heart!  Sherry told me after that she used a selenite crystal which evokes angelic and light healing. Later Sherry sent me articles to read on wings spiritual significance such as freedom, birth, fertility, protection, readiness, soaring , dreams fulfilled, and also about the Goddess ISis who had wings. I was in the middle of a body building competition process and this Reiki session gave me great peace and confidence.


CLIENT:  I feel you did psychic surgery on me! You worked so hard & diligently to help my soul. Finally, after yrs of healing work and difft practitioners, I am clear on the missing piece on how to release my childhood sexual trauma. I am forever grateful for your healing wisdom. 



ME: A friend of mine that lives across the ocean, and Ive never met yet, asked for a reiki session. We were curious why we were so connected in this lifetime from the first time we meet online. During the session I saw a vivid past life for us where we were secret lovers in Paris walking by the Eiffel tower. This explained to me my lifelong obsession with all things Paris!  After the reiki session, that night, she had a detailed dream of another lifetime, where we were Female Viking warriors on a ship, and she was in love with me, but I was involved with the Chiefton. She said she was jealous but happy I was being protected by him.


CLIENT: Sherry said at my root chakra, my feet, she was told to give them  much energy, and her guides told her to tell me, She needs to get the Earth on her feet more" . I told her that I have a thing about bare feet outside. This lead to a discussion of Grounding, which is receiving the light energy from the core of the Earth through our feet or hands by touching the Earth, and how vital it is as a frequency for healing.


ME:  I pulled a Volcano Nature oracle card for a client asking vaguely about “the best spiritual guidance for her in regards to marriage"


What came through: Your current marriage is undergoing a process of great explosion, tearing apart, dying to be reborn into something more intimate and fulfilling for the soul. There has been emotions submerged for too long, conversations as well. Things are coming to a righteous head. This does not necessarily mean endings but Beginnings in the sense of starting to really undeniably see patterns and choices and how they affect the relationship. There is beautiful days and great love and connection once you get past this stage. Feelings and thoughts must be allowed to surface and must be respected and processed. Try to allow every feeling including rage anger frustration anxiety to be discussed and embraced and allowed. Try to discuss the root of where each feeling comes from. Is it an old childhood pattern, is it habitual ways of being in a relationship, is it longing for more connection and not sure how to ask. Befriend these submerged feelings and new Growth can come from it. It is challenging energetic work to face that which has been submerged for too long. Perhaps you are each submerging your own individual issues as well. Facing them is not comfortable but you are at a boiling over point. Not doing the work could end up in destruction and endings.

HER RESPONSE: “Oh my gosh, you are so talented, I laughed my head off at this response because, again, it was absolutely spot on!  My husband and I are on the edge of a precipice and a few days ago I just looked at him calmly (in my influenza fever) and said in order for me to stay in the marriage I needed certain things.  He became defensive and angry and I stood my calm ground and we have had several days now of really healing, genuine, honest talks.  The timing of your reading is impeccable and almost unnerving in its accuracy.  There is a huge shift in our marriage and a wonderful, new beginning in both of our hearts.”

ME: At a receiver's heart chakra, I felt a deep sadness come in combined with a deep love. It actually brought me to tears it was so powerful. After I asked her about it and she said: A friend of mine that passed away came to me in the middle of the reiki session. .But when I saw her I got so sad, so sad, and then she went away. This opened a discussion after about how our loved ones want to guide and check in on us, but they will leave if they think they are causing us pain. We talked about how people energy is still alive, and we can just learn to relate to them on a different level, and still talk to them. That we are not just our bodies.


ME: A client forgot to tell me before the session that she had a migraine headache. During the session, I felt intense pressure, tightness and tension in her crown chakra, more so on the left side of her head, so much so that my head started to feel it. I was told by my guides to send extra energy to her there. After she confirmed that her headache was on the left side.


CLIENT: I felt waves or energy strings of light extending from my solar plexus chakra into the sky, it felt amazing!


CLIENT: Sherry said she felt a cool, invigorating  ocean breeze during my session when she was sending healing and the ocean and salty air is my favorite place to heal. We also both saw the infinity symbol. She also said that fairytale images is how I  soulfully connect to Source and that her guides said : she would have lost that if not for her daughter" Which is true! I even sent her a photo of a fairy ring of flowers my daughter had made recently.


ME: During the energy session I was told by my guides to put a crystal quartz point on the back of my neck, envisioning it was the clients neck. I was asked to hold my hands with the crystal in a triangle shape to form a porthole opening for her. Later she told me that she felt a hand on the back of her neck during the session comforting her.


CLIENT: Sherry told me that her guides said, my anxiety comes from trying to be "too perfect". She also said, she had a vision of me crying in the shower. As we talked more, she asked me if I do try to be perfect, and I said,'well yes would anyone want to be mediocre"...That opened a big discussion between Sherry and I about my lifelong desire to get all I go after or feel I failed. I also told her that crying in the shower is my thing! This opened my eyes to the shadow side of my personality and sent me in a direction of more meditation, expressing myself more, breathwork, journaling, herbal supplaments and hypnosis sessions which have helped me so much.


CLIENT: Sherry saw images of an arrow at my crown chakra, and was told by her guides, "he is has pointed directed energy now". She also reported seeing a bird flying upward at my solar plexus, and told, He is in the right direction now". This confirmed for me that current decisions I was making for myself were healthy and  best.


CLIENT: Your message and pulling these cards helped me take one step closer to being my true self and trusting it. Ive been told for years that I have intuitive gifts and I never quite believed it, (even though I find myself reading people often in the middle of the work day) I think it is time I open the levy and let the waters flow. I cant believe you advised me to have a past life regression to understand the long line of witches that I ancestorly come from. I am actually in the process of doing that and learning about it now. So much confirmation! You're readings were spot on. You saw things I didn't even tell you in great detail with my marriage. Its uncanny. You are so talented. Im vibrating. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the love you have given me.





Blessings of peace, joy, healing & connection
























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